Parish Meeting Accounts

Click on the links below to display the corresponding documents.


1 Notice of Public Rights 
2 Certificate of Exemption - AGAR Form 2PM
3 Annual Governance Statement 
4 Accounting Statements 
5 Annual Internal Audit Report 
6 Parish Meeting Cash Book March 2024 V2


1 Notice of Public Rights 2022-23
2 Certificate of Exemption - AGAR 2022-23 Form 2PM
3 Annual Governance Statement 2022-23
4 Accounting Statements 2022-23


1 Annual Return Public Rights 2021-22
2 Certificate of Exemption 2021-22
3 Annual Governance Statement 2021-22
4 Accounting Statements 2021-22


Annual Return Public Rights 2020-21
Certificate of Exemption 2020-21
Annual Governance Statement 2020-21
Accounting Statements 2020-21


Annual Governance and Accounting Statements 2019-20


Accounting Statements 2018-19
Annual Governance Statement 2018-19
Annual Return Public Rights 2018-19
Certificate of Exemption 2018-19


Accounting Statements 2017-18
Annual Governance Statement 2017-18
Annual Internal Audit Report 2017-18
Annual Return Public Rights 2017-18
Certificate of Exemption 2017-18
Income and Expenditure 2017-18
Variances 2017-18


Annual Return Public Rights 2016-17
Annual Governance Statement 2016-17
Annual return 2016-17
Annual Return Internal Audit Report 2016-17

Note. The above have been externally Audited


Annual Governance Statement 2015-16
Annual Return 2015-16
Annual Governance Statement 2015-16 Page 3
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2015-16

Click here for further information about the Parish Meeting

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