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Thornton Steward Parish Meeting 

The Parish Meeting discusses, and potentially influences, local issues and activities which specifically affect this parish. These are many and varied.  We also decide the annual ‘precept’ which is needed to finance, for example: grass cutting, insurance and maintenance of assets like the bus shelter. 

If you are on the electoral roll for Thornton Steward parish, you are part of Thornton Steward Parish Meeting:

  • you are eligible to attend meetings
  • you can submit items for the agenda
  • you can participate in discussions and
  • you can vote on motions raised.

We meet as and when issues for discussion arise.  However, as a minimum each year, an ‘annual meeting’ must be held between 1st March and 1st June, plus one further meeting.  At the annual meeting you can help to elect or re-elect the Parish Meeting Chairperson (who must be an elector resident in this parish).

Notices of meetings are posted on the Thornton Steward Village Noticeboard 7 days in advance.   

Meetings are held in Thornton Steward Village Institute. Agendas and Minutes have been available to view on this website since 2016, as have the Annual Accounts

Under the Freedom of Information Act the Parish Meeting has a publication scheme which makes information about the Parish Meeting available to the public. 

If you have a local issue that you would like Thornton Steward Parish Meeting to discuss or if you require any information, please contact the clerk, Vicky Buczak.


Please join in, come along, have your say and support your Parish.

Related Links:

Parish Meeting Minutes and Agendas                     

Parish Meeting Accounts

Risk Management Policy and Risk Register

